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(Re)Writing Anthropology and Raising Our Voices from the Academic Margins

By Kimberley D. McKinson

Cite As:
McKinson, Kimberley. 2022. “(Re)Writing Anthropology and Raising Our Voices from the Academic Margins.” Cultural Anthropology 37, no. 3: 379–386.


In reframing the ontological limits and possibilities of the academic margin, this Colloquy situates the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) classroom as a critical (field) site in which anthropological knowledge is innovated, produced, and contested. The essays, written by anthropologists who work in and represent “non-hegemonic” institutions, speak to decolonial, Black feminist, and liberatory projects and pedagogy that challenge what anthropology can look like, how anthropology can be practiced, how it can be taught, and what it can contribute to a more just world. This collection crafts a vision for an equitable anthropology of the now and the future and situates the academic margins as an important space from which the discipline must be reimagined in the current political moment.


margins; Minority Serving Institutions; pedagogy; anthropological knowledge